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//| TCCIalert.mq4 |
//| Generated by EX4 Decompile Service |
//| http://ex4mq4.com |
#property copyright "ex4mq4.com - EX4 Decompile Service"
#property link "http://ex4mq4.com"
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010 UncleSamsForex"
#property link "http://www.UncleSamsForex.com"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Coral
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_color2 SkyBlue
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_color3 Coral
#property indicator_width3 2
extern int Price = 0;
extern int Length = 8;
extern int Displace = 0;
extern int Filter = 0;
extern int Color = 1;
extern int ColorBarBack = 1;
extern double Deviation = 0.0;
extern bool Colour_Changing_Alert = TRUE;
extern bool Colour_Changed_Alert = FALSE;
double g_ibuf_116[];
double g_ibuf_120[];
double g_ibuf_124[];
double g_ibuf_128[];
double gda_132[];
int g_index_136;
int gi_140;
int gi_144;
int gi_148 = 4;
double gd_152;
double gd_160;
double gd_168;
double gd_176;
double gd_184;
double gd_192;
double gd_200 = 3.1415926535;
string gs_none_208 = "NONE";
string gs_none_216 = "NONE";
string gs_none_224 = "NONE";
string gs_none_232 = "NONE";
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_116);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_120);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_124);
SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_128);
IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));
string ls_0 = "SimpleSimon(" + Length + ")";
SetIndexLabel(0, "SimpleSimon");
SetIndexLabel(1, "Up");
SetIndexLabel(2, "Dn");
SetIndexShift(0, Displace);
SetIndexShift(1, Displace);
SetIndexShift(2, Displace);
SetIndexEmptyValue(0, EMPTY_VALUE);
SetIndexEmptyValue(1, EMPTY_VALUE);
SetIndexEmptyValue(2, EMPTY_VALUE);
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Length * gi_148 + Length);
SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Length * gi_148 + Length);
SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Length * gi_148 + Length);
gd_152 = 3.0 * gd_200;
gi_140 = Length - 1;
gi_144 = Length * gi_148 + gi_140;
ArrayResize(gda_132, gi_144);
gd_184 = 0;
for (g_index_136 = 0; g_index_136 < gi_144 - 1; g_index_136++) {
if (g_index_136 <= gi_140 - 1) gd_168 = 1.0 * g_index_136 / (gi_140 - 1);
else gd_168 = (g_index_136 - gi_140 + 1) * (2.0 * gi_148 - 1.0) / (gi_148 * Length - 1.0) + 1.0;
gd_160 = MathCos(gd_200 * gd_168);
gd_192 = 1.0 / (gd_152 * gd_168 + 1.0);
if (gd_168 <= 0.5) gd_192 = 1;
gda_132[g_index_136] = gd_192 * gd_160;
gd_184 += gda_132[g_index_136];
return (0);
int start() {
int li_12;
double ld_16;
int l_ind_counted_8 = IndicatorCounted();
if (l_ind_counted_8 > 0) li_12 = Bars - l_ind_counted_8;
if (l_ind_counted_8 < 0) return (0);
if (l_ind_counted_8 == 0) li_12 = Bars - gi_144 - 1;
if (l_ind_counted_8 < 1) {
for (int l_index_0 = 1; l_index_0 < Length * gi_148 + Length; l_index_0++) {
g_ibuf_116[Bars - l_index_0] = 0;
g_ibuf_120[Bars - l_index_0] = 0;
g_ibuf_124[Bars - l_index_0] = 0;
for (int li_4 = li_12; li_4 >= 0; li_4--) {
gd_176 = 0;
for (l_index_0 = 0; l_index_0 <= gi_144 - 1; l_index_0++) {
if (Price == 0) ld_16 = Close[li_4 + l_index_0];
else {
if (Price == 1) ld_16 = Open[li_4 + l_index_0];
else {
if (Price == 2) ld_16 = High[li_4 + l_index_0];
else {
if (Price == 3) ld_16 = Low[li_4 + l_index_0];
else {
if (Price == 4) ld_16 = (High[li_4 + l_index_0] + (Low[li_4 + l_index_0])) / 2.0;
else {
if (Price == 5) ld_16 = (High[li_4 + l_index_0] + (Low[li_4 + l_index_0]) + (Close[li_4 + l_index_0])) / 3.0;
if (Price == 6) ld_16 = (High[li_4 + l_index_0] + (Low[li_4 + l_index_0]) + 2.0 * (Close[li_4 + l_index_0])) / 4.0;
gd_176 += gda_132[l_index_0] * ld_16;
if (gd_184 > 0.0) g_ibuf_116[li_4] = (Deviation / 100.0 + 1.0) * gd_176 / gd_184;
if (Filter > 0)
if (MathAbs(g_ibuf_116[li_4] - (g_ibuf_116[li_4 + 1])) < Filter * Point) g_ibuf_116[li_4] = g_ibuf_116[li_4 + 1];
if (Color > 0) {
g_ibuf_128[li_4] = g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1];
if (g_ibuf_116[li_4] - (g_ibuf_116[li_4 + 1]) > Filter * Point) g_ibuf_128[li_4] = 1;
if (g_ibuf_116[li_4 + 1] - g_ibuf_116[li_4] > Filter * Point) g_ibuf_128[li_4] = -1;
if (g_ibuf_128[li_4] > 0.0) {
g_ibuf_120[li_4] = g_ibuf_116[li_4];
if (g_ibuf_128[li_4 + ColorBarBack] < 0.0) g_ibuf_120[li_4 + ColorBarBack] = g_ibuf_116[li_4 + ColorBarBack];
g_ibuf_124[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (Colour_Changing_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits)) gs_none_216 = Symbol() + " possible trend change UP occured on " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), 0, 10) + " during the " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(Time[li_4], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + " candle";
if (Colour_Changing_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && gs_none_216 != gs_none_208 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits) &&
TimeYear(Time[li_4]) >= Year() && TimeMonth(Time[li_4]) >= Month() && TimeDay(Time[li_4]) >= Day() && TimeHour(Time[li_4]) >= Hour() && TimeMinute(Time[li_4]) >= Minute() - Period()) {
Alert(gs_none_216 + " (at server time " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + ")");
gs_none_208 = gs_none_216;
if (g_ibuf_128[li_4] < 0.0) {
g_ibuf_124[li_4] = g_ibuf_116[li_4];
if (g_ibuf_128[li_4 + ColorBarBack] > 0.0) g_ibuf_124[li_4 + ColorBarBack] = g_ibuf_116[li_4 + ColorBarBack];
g_ibuf_120[li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (Colour_Changing_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits)) gs_none_216 = Symbol() + " possible trend change DOWN occured on " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), 0, 10) + " during the " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(Time[li_4], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + " candle";
if (Colour_Changing_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && gs_none_216 != gs_none_208 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits) &&
TimeYear(Time[li_4]) >= Year() && TimeMonth(Time[li_4]) >= Month() && TimeDay(Time[li_4]) >= Day() && TimeHour(Time[li_4]) >= Hour() && TimeMinute(Time[li_4]) >= Minute() - Period()) {
Alert(gs_none_216 + " (at server time " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + ")");
gs_none_208 = gs_none_216;
if (Colour_Changed_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 2], Digits) && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_124[li_4 +
1], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_120[li_4 + 1], Digits)) gs_none_232 = Symbol() + " trend change confirmation occured on " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), 0, 10) + " upon the close of the " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(Time[li_4 + 1], TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + " candle, but repainting is not yet ruled out";
if (Colour_Changed_Alert == TRUE && li_4 == 0 && gs_none_232 != gs_none_224 && NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 1], Digits) != NormalizeDouble(g_ibuf_128[li_4 + 2], Digits) &&
TimeYear(Time[li_4]) >= Year() && TimeMonth(Time[li_4]) >= Month() && TimeDay(Time[li_4]) >= Day() && TimeHour(Time[li_4]) >= Hour() && TimeMinute(Time[li_4]) >= Minute() - Period()) {
Alert(gs_none_232 + " (at server time " + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES), 11, 5) + ")");
gs_none_224 = gs_none_232;
return (0);